Why not make a bouquet of woven wool flowers as a birthday or Mother’s Day present?
What you’ll need:
Wool, yarn, string, embroidery thread, thin ribbon or raffia
Lollipop sticks
Garden sticks
Coloured paper or card
Bowl, mug or plate to draw around
Scissors (optional craft knife to cut circles from cardboard: adult use only)
Sticky tape
What to do:
Draw around a template and cut out circles from the cardboard.
Cut small incisions around the circle’s edge at regular intervals.
Choose your yarn.
Start off by taping a bit of wool at the back of the circle and start winding wool around the circle’s edge, making sure the wool goes through a cut each time.
If changing wool colour secure ends at the back with tape.
Once finished, add a lollipop or garden stick to the back along with a paper leaf and ta da! Woven wool flower is finished!
Cut a circle out of cardboard using a bowl as a template.
Cut small incisions around the circle’s edge, like a clock face, at regular intervals. The spaces between the cuts will determine the patterns.
Wool and yarn.
Start off by taping a bit of wool at the back of the circle and start winding wool around the circle’s edge, making sure the wool goes through a cut.
Experiment to see what patterns emerge and use different coloured yarn to create different designs.
Stick a lollipop stick on the back and add a paper or card leaf to finish off the flower.
For bigger flower circles use a garden stick as a stem and add more paper leaves.