I found some polystyrene eggs in the pound shop so we set to decorating them for an indoor Easter egg hunt.
These are fun to decorate any way you fancy but here are a few of our ideas.
What you’ll need:
Polystyrene eggs
Tissue paper
Decorated papers (we used some of our kitchen utensil prints)
Thin coloured card
PVA glue
Glue gun
Plastic headed pins
Please note: Only use a glue gun with adult supervision. A low heat glue gun is best otherwise a hot glue gun melts the polystyrene.
Our decorated eggs.
Polystyrene eggs. I found these in the pound shop. Twelve for £1 – a bargain!
Glitter egg: glitter, PVA glue and a paintbrush. Cover the egg in glue and roll in glitter. Tap off the excess and leave to dry.
Glitter egg.
Felt covered egg: felt strips and glue gun. Cut strips of felt (straight, zig zag or scalloped) and glue to the egg.
Button egg: buttons and glue gun. Glue gun buttons to the egg.
Spotty egg: tissue paper, decorated paper cut outs, PVA glue and a paintbrush. Cover the egg in glue and lay strips of tissue paper over until covered. Cut out decorated paper shapes and glue on top. Leave to dry.
Paper egg: decorated paper strips, scissors, PVA glue and a paintbrush. Glue strips of decorated paper around the egg.
Paper punch egg: paper punched thin card and pins. Cut out shapes from coloured thin card with a paper punch. Pin in place all over the egg with plastic headed pins.
Polystyrene eggs. I found these in the pound shop. Twelve for £1 – a bargain!
Glitter egg: glitter, PVA glue and a paintbrush. Cover the egg in glue and roll in glitter. Tap off the excess and leave to dry.
Glitter egg.
Felt covered egg: felt strips and glue gun. Cut strips of felt (straight, zig zag or scalloped) and glue to the egg.
Button egg: buttons and glue gun. Glue gun buttons to the egg.
Spotty egg: tissue paper, decorated paper cut outs, PVA glue and a paintbrush. Cover the egg in glue and lay strips of tissue paper over until covered. Cut out decorated paper shapes and glue on top. Leave to dry.
Paper egg: decorated paper strips, scissors, PVA glue and a paintbrush. Glue strips of decorated paper around the egg.
Paper punch egg: paper punched thin card and pins. Cut out shapes from coloured thin card with a paper punch. Pin in place all over the egg with plastic headed pins.